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Do you even squonk?!

Do you even squonk?!

Squonk boxes have always had their following but it never got as big as it should have. Now squonk boxes are making a comeback. From big companies to little, they are starting to manufacture these great boxes again so we don't have to carry a bottle of juice everywhere we go. If you're not familiar with the squonk box, the biggest thing is, there is a bottle built into the box. You fill that bottle you're your favorite juice of the day. When your cotton gets dry in your RDA, you sqweeze on that bottle and it pushes your liquid up through the 510-connection hydrating your cotton again. (You do need to have a RDA that is squonk capable. There must be a hole for the juice to run through.)

They do make them in unregulated (mechanical) and regulated. We just received two squonk boxes at our store. The Squeezer which is a 18650/20700 unregulated mod. It comes with an extra squonk bottle and a 30ml filling bottle. The filling bottle is a nice feature. Instead of taking the mod apart, you just screw off your RDA, screw in the filling bottle and fill up!


The next mod we have is the Pulse BF box mod by Vandyvape. Again, it's a 18650/20700 mod, and its unregulated. It also has an extra silicone sleeve for your bottle. Instead of a filling bottle, it comes with parts to turn your squonk connection into a spring loaded 510 connection. Both feel great in the hand, are lightweight and are easy to keep in your pocket. It just comes down to your style. We also have more on the way. Like the Geek Vape Athena squonk box, which we will offer with the kit as well so you don't have to find an RDA yourself. The Athena is a unregulated box, but it as well has some great features, which include a lock switch, and auto adjusting 510 which helps reduce the possibilities of leaking.


If your holding out for a regulated squonk, we have the IJOY Capo squonk box on the way too! It will be able to run 21700 or 20700 batteries, and can go up to 100 watts. The bottle that is in the box itself is a semi hard bottle. It has hard side walls to help push the liquid up easier. Also it does have a charging port, unlike the other three.


See the source image

If you have never used one before, you won't be disappointed by any choice you make.


The next one is the Fuchai Squonk 213 150W TC 21700/20700/18650 Starter Kit

fuchai squonk 213

Personally this is my favorite squonker. The Fuchai Squonker 213 inherits the Fuchai series design which is pretty cool!And it fits three type of batteries for all your needs (plus, the battery adapter is included within the kit) Most importantly, unlike the other fully mechanical suqonkers, this is a TC mod!

Lastly, let's come back to mechanical squonker. To check out this bad boy, Geek Vape Athena Squonk Kit.

athena squonk kit

The thing I like about this kit is that it is simple and easy to use. The postless deck is easy to build on and deep! deep juice well.


What do you think of these squonker? Let us know what you think at the comment section.

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