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Don’t Know What To Do After Breaking Vape Glass Tube? Follow This Guideline

Don’t Know What To Do After Breaking Vape Glass Tube? Follow This Guideline

Did you or someone you know break the glass tube of the vape? If the answer is yes, do not feel alone as many vapers go through this annoying situation. It is not uncommon to drop your vape accidentally on the floor. As soon as the glass gets broken, your floor gets covered with your favorite e-juice. As much as it breaks your heart to see your glass tube get broken right in front of you, the good news is you can easily get a GeekVape replacement glass tube online.

But, some amateur and even the experienced vapers unknowingly injure their mouth with a broken glass tube while inhaling through the drip tip. To help avoid this, we have listed some tips for vapers. Let’s take a look at them. 

Get Rid of The Residual Parts From The Base Hardware

It is essential to keep in mind that when a glass tube breaks, some residue gets left behind in the base hardware. Before you place a new glass tube in, make sure you have removed all the remaining pieces of glass from the base hardware. Take care when removing these pieces of glass as they can easily cut your fingers.

Clean Everything Properly Using Water

Take no chances and properly clean the base hardware, drip tip, and coil’s inside with water. We will advise you to replace the coil as well as there can be small fragments of glass there. In addition to cleaning the aforesaid items, take out the o-rings and clean them using a soap. Doing all this will ensure that everything is free of pieces of glass.

Do A Quick Inspection of The Vape Again

Once you have a new glass tube, before installing it, make sure you carry out a thorough inspection the vape one more time. This is advised because many vapers have complained that even after properly cleaning the vape, there can be some small shards of glass that will make their presence felt when you install the new glass tube; you’ll hear a crunch sort of a sound. If you do hear this sound, use soap and water and clean all the tank surfaces again.

Do Not Forget To Properly Clean The Floor

The floor will become a mess when the glass tube gets broken. There will be pieces of glass everywhere along with spilled e-juice. So, first find all the broken pieces and carefully get rid of them and then mop the floor. You don’t want yours or anybody else’s foot or toes getting bruised. 

From next time, handle vape tanks carefully. Accidents can happen and do happen but if you remain careful, their likelihood of happening goes down considerably. If you accidentally break the glass tube, do not worry and order a new one at VaporRider. The glass tubes we sell are of top quality and works well with Zeus Dual RTA, Zeus X RTA, and Zeus Sub ohm tank.

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